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Festive foods your pooch should avoid

December 15, 2017

While our pets are often a special part of family occasions, you might be doing your dog more harm than good by sharing leftover “treats” from your festivities.


Image of a black Guide Dog puppy with a sad expression

A lot of foods can be dangerous (even toxic) to our furry friends, causing diarrhoea, pancreatitis or other health effects.

Some festive foods to avoid feeding your pooch include:

  • Chocolate (including Easter eggs!)
  • Ham (meat/bone/fat)
  • Turkey (bone/fat)
  • Cooked bones
  • Nuts
  • Grapes, sultana and raisins
  • Skewered meat

If you’re unsure if a food item is safe for your dog, it’s always safest not to feed it to them. Keep the feast for the family and show your love to your pets in other ways!


International Guide Dog Day 2024

Anywhere you can go, Guide Dogs can go too.